I've been living in Istanbul for 10 years, experiencing Ramadan traditions, sharing (and now preparing!) Ramazan pidesi, a circular bread that is a must during this special month.
My American “roots” lie deeply in Southern Cooking, with my first memories being the smell of hot biscuits pulled straight from the oven. They were my Big Mama's biscuits, but when I started traveling I soon understood that for some people they were called "scones".
I've always thought whisky would have been too strong for me until I met Simone on our first date, when I fell in love with him and old fashioned cocktail!
I can't remember the first time I saw the South American lady on the label, but I do remember the first time I drank Brasilena. I was a kid and, as many, that was my first coffee shot!
My grandma's recipe (which is not even a recipe) for French omelette is irreplaceable. If she was still alive, she would challenge chef Jacques Pepin and I'm sure she would win!